Health & Wellness | Colorado Springs Magazine

Health & Wellness

  • Pain Reliever

    “I could hardly snap my fingers with my right hand. Everything I tried seemed to make it worse. It got to be, some days, that all I could focus on was the pain.” That is how David Chavez, a Colorado Springs native, described the life-altering medical issues he’d been dealing with for months.

    Adam Roberts is a dad. And like many dads, he makes the occasional run to Culver’s. One evening, he was picking up a to-go order of burgers and fries, wearing a sweatshirt with a logo that proudly displayed the place where he works: Diversus Health. The young woman behind the counter looked at Adam and noticed his sweatshirt.
  • Facing Extinction

    In a medical system where money is king, patients are left behind and small providers have become an endangered species. The surprising focal point? Medicare.
  • Life 2.0

    How compassionate doctors and innovative technology gave a local woman a second chance.
  • How To Talk About Electric Eels

    Why is it so hard to talk about mental health? Pikes Peak Suicide Prevention Partnership is tackling the stigma around suicide – and the statistics show it’s working.

    New technology offers an alternative to joint replacement for this devoted runner.